Ciao, sono

Roberto Dellantonio

Full Stack Software Developer
Expert developer specialized in SaaS design. Ready to grow in a open minded team creating solutions to improve other people's life.
Roberto Dellantonio
Qualcosa su di me

As a recent graduate of the University of Trento with a degree in Information Engineering and Business Organization, I have gained a strong foundation in computer science and a passion for developing scalable, reliable and efficient solutions for complex software projects. In addition to my studies, I also completed a three-month internship in Barcelona at an e-commerce company, where I gained hands-on experience in web marketing and e-commerce development.
Since April 2023, I have been working as a Full Stack developer at Fleap, where I have been actively contributing to the development of simple and reliable software solutions for the company. In my career, I have had the opportunity to work with talented teams of developers and have developed a range of skills and expertise.
Some of my key achievements include:

  • 🚀 Successfully developed and launched an e-commerce platform for a family business

  • 📈 Contributed to the development of various software projects, consistently meeting project deadlines and exceeding quality standards

  • 💻 Demonstrated strong problem-solving and communication skills in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment

  • 🙍 Developed many personal projects with new technologies and published on my personal GitHub portfolio with an important documentation.

  • 📅 In the future, I am eager to continue learning and growing as a software engineer, and hope to take on more leadership roles and work on challenging and meaningful projects that make a positive impact.

Una Panoramica veloce

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