Roberto Dellantonio

Roberto Dellantonio

Full Stack Software Developer
Predazzo, Italia
Something about me

As a recent graduate of the University of Trento with a degree in Information Engineering and Business Organization, I have gained a strong foundation in computer science and a passion for developing scalable, reliable and efficient solutions for complex software projects. In addition to my studies, I also completed a three-month internship in Barcelona at an e-commerce company, where I gained hands-on experience in web marketing and e-commerce development.
Since April 2023, I have been working as a Full Stack developer at Fleap, where I have been actively contributing to the development of simple and reliable software solutions for the company. In my career, I have had the opportunity to work with talented teams of developers and have developed a range of skills and expertise.
Some of my key achievements include:

  • πŸš€ Successfully developed and launched an e-commerce platform for a family business

  • πŸ“ˆ Contributed to the development of various software projects, consistently meeting project deadlines and exceeding quality standards

  • πŸ’» Demonstrated strong problem-solving and communication skills in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment

  • πŸ™ Developed many personal projects with new technologies and published on my personal GitHub portfolio with an important documentation.

  • πŸ“… In the future, I am eager to continue learning and growing as a software engineer, and hope to take on more leadership roles and work on challenging and meaningful projects that make a positive impact.

My First Work Experience as a FullStack Developer at GPI spa

I want to share with you my story of how I got my first work experience as a FullStack developer at GPI spa, a company in the healthcare field. This was a very rewarding and challenging experience that helped me grow and improve as a professional and as a person. I hope that by reading my story, you will get some insights and inspiration for your own career choices.

I started working at GPI in January 2021, right after I graduated from the University of Trento with a bachelor degree on Information Engineering and Business Organization. I applied for the position of FullStack developer, as I wanted to use and enhance the skills and knowledge that I acquired from my studies. I was very excited and nervous when I got the job offer, as this was my first real work experience in the tech industry.

What I did at GPI

GPI is a company that offers various products and services in the healthcare field, such as software, hardware, consulting, training, etc. It is involved in many different operations regarding this field and it is present in many nations around the world. My team was responsible for designing, creating, testing, and maintaining the software used for medical bookings, drugs, doctors schedules, and so on, of the majority of the Italian regions hospitals and many private clinics. My role as a FullStack developer was to take incoming requests, analyze them, develop the required features, test them, and release them.

As a FullStack developer, I used various technologies, tools, and languages, such as Java with Spring framework for the back end part of the software and Angular for the front end. I also used many tools like Eclipse, Visual Studio, Jasper, Fork, GitLab, Jira, Grafana, and so on. I learned all these technologies and tools during my studies at the university, with company formation, and with my side projects. I also had to learn new things on the job, as the tech industry is constantly evolving and changing.

I worked on many features, but maybe the most interesting were those that required tailored-made integrations with external systems of other software houses. For example, one of the projects that I worked on was to integrate our software with a system that managed the electronic prescriptions of drugs. This was a complex and challenging project, as it involved dealing with different data formats, protocols, security standards, and regulations. I had to collaborate and communicate with other developers, both from GPI and from the other software house, to ensure that the integration was smooth and reliable. I also had to test and debug the code extensively, to make sure that there were no errors or bugs. The outcome of this project was a successful and seamless integration that improved the efficiency and quality of the service for both the patients and the doctors.

What I learned from GPI

Of course, working at GPI was not easy and I faced many challenges and difficulties along the way. The main challenge was the lack of experience that I had at the beginning, in both technical and social realms. I had to learn a lot of things quickly and adapt to the work environment and culture. I also had to deal with the pressure and expectations of delivering high-quality and high-performance software, as the projects that I worked on were extremely complex and sensitive, and they managed sensible information of millions of people. I was able to overcome these challenges mainly with the support of all the experienced team members that I was working with. They helped me, guided me, and taught me a lot of things. They also gave me constructive feedback and encouragement, and they made me feel part of the team.

However, despite the challenges and difficulties, I also had many rewarding and enjoyable experiences during my work experience. I met many amazing people, such as colleagues, managers, clients, and partners, who inspired me and motivated me throughout my journey. I also had the opportunity to participate in various events and activities, such as trainings, workshops, seminars, etc., that enriched my learning and networking experience. I also had fun and learned a lot from working on side projects, such as building websites, apps, games, etc., that allowed me to express my passion and creativity for technology and business.

In conclusion, I can say that working at GPI has been an amazing experience. It helped me grow and improve as a FullStack developer and as a professional in general. It also prepared me for the challenges and opportunities that await me in the future. I think that working at GPI is a great option for anyone who wants to pursue a career in the tech industry, as it provides a solid and diverse experience and a competitive edge in both technical and business domains. However, working at GPI is also demanding and challenging, and it requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and open-mindedness. Therefore, my tips and advice for anyone who wants to become a FullStack developer or who wants to work at GPI are: don't be scared to start, be smart enough to ask for help, work as hard as you can, and use your free time to work on side projects to increase your experience level. Also, try to stay updated every day on the extremely frequent changes in the field of software development and relative tools. And most importantly, have fun and enjoy the journey. 😊

My experiences
  • Full Stack Developer at GPI
    • My First Work Experience as a FullStack Developer at GPI spa